Hampton Road Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church. We unapologetically preach the King James Bible. You will find the message to be doctrinally sound, and we desire to stand where God's word stands. We believe that the preaching of the Word of God is the most important thing that happens in our church services. You will also find that at Hampton Road Baptist Church we emphasize loving God and loving people. The Bible tells us in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." We hope that you can come and see us sometime soon. I believe you will leave our services feeling like there is a group of people here that truly care for you. Let us know if we can help you with the spiritual matters of your life in any way.
Will I be singled out?Our goal is not to embarrass anyone. We always like to welcome our guests and give them an opportunity to be introduced by a friend or to introduce themselves. We want to do our best to make you feel at home.
Where do I go?Once you park, just walk in the front door and come on in. You will be greeted by some of the warmest and friendliest people around. If you are there in time for Sunday School, we will meet in the auditorium before dismissing to the various classes. We generally sing a song, pledge to the American flag, the Christian flag, and then to the Bible. If you are there for church, just come on in and find a seat. We will be by shortly to shake your hand.
Is the service traditional or contemporary?You will find our services to be strictly traditional. Our congregational singing is outstanding and if your purpose is to bring honor and glory to the name of Christ, you will not be disappointed. Our song service is a great opportunity for everyone to get involved. We believe in church the way it used to be. Quite honestly, we believe it still should be that way.
What is an Independent Baptist Church?This means that we are Baptist in faith and practice and hold to the Baptist distinctives covered in our beliefs section. We believe in the fundamentals of the faith. We are an independent church in that we are self governing and are not in any sort of organization or institution that determines what we believe or how we conduct our services. We believe that Christ is the head of the church, not denominational headquarters. All ministries that our church will involve itself in are local church ministries.
Do you have a nursery?Yes, we have Sunday School for all ages and a clean nursery with plenty of supervision.
How far are you from Fairmont/Morgantown?We are located only a couple of minutes from downtown Fairmont. We are 20 minutes from Morgantown. We are west of town barely off of 250.