Each Sunday after our 11:00 AM service, we have a potluck luncheon. We have designated each week with a different theme. This is just a suggestion and not at all a mandatory menu. You will find it printed in our weekly bulletin. The luncheon is a great blessing. This is a wonderful time of fellowship with one another around a great meal, and we always have plenty of variety to choose from. I hope you will come be our guest someday soon, and don't you worry about bringing a thing. This one is on us! We hope to get to fellowship with you soon.

Sunday School- 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Service- 11:00 AM
Sunday Afternoon Service- 1:30 PM
Wednesday Night Prayer Service- 7:00 PM
The mailing address is:
Hampton Road Baptist Church
P.O. Box 348
Fairmont, WV 26555
The church is located at 211 Hampton Road in Fairmont. However this address brings you up the road a ways from the church. The most accurate GPS location is 218 Hampton Road. We are within 5 minutes of I-79 and only a couple of miles from downtown Fairmont.